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Shiny Counter

Project overview and intentions

- From being a big Pokemon fan in my spare time I enjoy shiny hunting in Generation 3. However when keeping a tally across multiple devices it became difficult to keep track on progress.

- I decided to create a prototype mobile iOS app that allows multiple counters which are customisable in rate.

- Using my interest in the Aztec I decided to use UI assets created by myself in Adobe Illustrator.

- For this project that I would build it in a portrait layout rather than landscape. While landscape would increase the option for more counter buttons than portrait, it had the potential of creating more spacing between the UI features without scrolling.

Wireframe design and decisions

- Two wireframe were designed which both followed a central and vertical layout to maximise spacing and optimise user hand reach comfort zone

-The wireframes differed in feature hierarchy, sizing of buttons, and title layout.

- As the most used button would be to add to the count, I created this as a large square unique to other action buttons- that are circular.

- For the reset counter and rate change buttons I decided for the final design that these should be separated to reduce user error.

- The total count in the final design was to be placed at the top rather than below the counters as that would be the most key piece of information on the screen and could be easily found. While the current counter tally would be placed below the counter button to reduce confusion and not be mistaken for the total count.

- In the final design the title was kept central with the stars on either side rather than curved to increase readability, also it didn't fit the Aztec UI vision.

Outcome and improvement

- After initially creating a prototype in Unity and using Xcode to put it on my iPhone 5SE that all the UI I had created was too small compared to when I had worked on it my computer. Leading to refining this until it became more user friendly.

- While I could change the number of buttons and had these as different colours- red, blue and green to match the Pokemon Gen 3 mascot legendries' colour- it would be hard to remember what each count would represent after a play session. To improve this I created a naming system. This lead to a separate setting screen following a similar format that was accessed from the gear icon in the top right corner.

- One challenge during production was being unable to save between sessions. Resulted in adding an encrypted saving mechanic

- For the reset counter and rate change buttons I decided for the final design that these should be separated to reduce user error.

- The total count in the final design was to be placed at the top rather than below the counters as that would be the most key piece of information on the screen and could be easily found. While the current counter tally would be placed below the counter button to reduce confusion and not be mistaken for the total count.

- In the final design the title was kept central with the stars on either side rather than curved to increase readability, also it didn't fit the Aztec UI vision.

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